User Guide

This page serves as a guide to mastering Megumin, the master of explosion magic and an expert task handler.



There are several useful features Megumin has to offer.

Adding and Managing Tasks

There are 3 types of tasks you can add and manage:

  1. Todo
    • Todo tasks are tasks with only description.
  2. Deadline
    • Deadline tasks are tasks with description and a due date and time.
  3. Event
    • Event tasks are tasks with description and the date and time it is happening.


Megumin will show you reminders for your deadlines and events up till the next 7 days at startup. You can also use the reminder command to bring it up again if needed.


help - Opens Help Menu

Opens up the help menu with all available commands.

Command format:


Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

help example

bye - Exits the Program

Exits the program with farewell message.

Command format:


Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

bye example

todo - Adds Todo Task

Adds a todo task with the given description to the task list.

Command format:

todo (description)

Example of usage:

todo math homework

Expected outcome:

todo example

deadline - Adds Deadline Task

Adds a deadline task with the given description and due date and time to the task list.

Command format:

deadline (description) /by dd/MM/yyyy hhmm

Example of usage:

deadline Physics Assignment 1 /by 20/02/2020 2359

Expected outcome:

deadline example

event - Adds Event Task

Adds a event task with the given description and the date and time is it happening at to the task list.

Command format:

event (description) /at dd/MM/yyyy hhmm

Example of usage:

event Movie /at 27/02/2020 1200

Expected outcome:

event example

list - Displays List of Tasks

Displays the list of tasks if there if any.

Command format:


Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

list example

done - Marks a Task as Done

Marks the task corresponding to the given index in task list given by list command as done.

Command format:

done (index of task in list)

Example of usage:

done 2

Expected outcome:

done example

delete - Deletes a Task

Deletes the task corresponding to the given index in the task list given by list command.

Command format:

delete (index of task in list)

Example of usage:

delete 1

Expected outcome:

delete example

find - Finds a Task Containing a Search Phrase

Finds a task with the description containing the search phrase (case sensitive).

Command format:

find (search phrase)

Example of usage:

find Assignment

Expected outcome:

find example

reminder - Gets Reminder for Deadline and Event Tasks

Gets reminder of deadline, event of both type of tasks up to 7 days from the current day. You must specify what reminders you want to view with deadline, event or all.

Command format:

reminder (deadline/event/all)

Example of usage:

reminder all

Expected outcome:

reminder example